Posted by okay, wait a second here... on July 16, 2001 at 22:49:02:
In Reply to: Re: painful....but posted by yeah! on July 16, 2001 at 18:46:21:
: : it's been pretty hellish but i have to say
: : i've learned about ten times as much in this
: : class than I did in Mossaad's CS310.
i know i've learned more in this class than any programming course i've taken at UT.
most of you guys are getting CS degrees because you're planning on most probably getting a job coding when you graduate, right?
i don't know how easy you think it's going to be when you're writing actual programs for your first crappy programming job in industry, or even more likely--when you're going through more highly paid people's code and finding bugs and figuring out what the hell they were thinking when they wrote it...
but i do know there's not going to be a prof OR a TA holding your hand...or anyone else for that matter. you're probably going to get less clear and more frequently changing specs in the real world, and deal with things a lot more frustrating than this class...
i'm grateful for the experience i'm getting writing sizable, challenging programs, dealing with wacky specs, changing standards, and all.
you know DVW's not going to fail half the class, so if you just relax and make an effort and consider this all practice for the real world, i predict that you'll:
(a) pass
(b) learn
which is supposed to be what you're interested in, right?
: The point above is I think that you can learn
: perfectly fine on your own (maybe it will take
: longer to do), but then what's the point of
: going to a class/having a prof & TAs? I mean, I
: don't know- what do you think?
the prof's job is to put you in situations where you have to think that you'll come out of having learned something, right?
okay...i have read what i have just written and it sounds like a really obnoxious, condescending lecture...
still, i fall asleep every class period in the useless lecture for the EE course i'm taking this summer for my sequence, and i know i'm not going to come out of it with anything i'll ever use again.
that's the kind of course that i really hate taking...not one like this.